Wrapping up all the loose ends

 Hey Guys, 

    This week has been a bit of a rollercoaster, balancing school projects, plant care/work, and the spider mite battle I've been fighting over the last couple of weeks. 

    For those that don't know, spider mites have been the number one killer of my plants. I'm careful, so overwatering isn't a problem but when the spider mites move in some plants are really at risk. They are very small so it can be hard to identify who is infected and who isn't. they can be hard to get rid of because they have to get under the leaves where they live and either wipe down each leaf and/or spray them down with insecticide. They feed on the sap of the trees which is essentially the blood of the tree. You can notice their effects when the leaves start to yellow and fall off, this can kill branches or the whole tree itself. they are prolific on indoor plants because there are generally no predators such as ladybugs or spiders and it doesn't rain indoors so they don't get washed off. I have lost multiple willow trees to them and a Russian olive I had. I am explaining this here because for part of my product I wanted to show off my trees and the work I've done on them. This threw a wrench in that, so the trees might not look as good as they could.

    Other than that whole issue I've been trying to keep my plants as healthy as I can and do an appropriate amount of work on them. The sunny, warm days recently have really helped with that.   

    I'm going to get that slide show that I was working, on up to date and get all of my relevant plants photographed and comment on so you guys can see the progress I've made.

    That's all for this week,

